To become a seller, click on the “Become a seller” button on our homepage and select “Register as Seller.” Follow the prompts to create your account and set up your seller profile.
You can sell a wide range of digital products, including eBooks, courses, graphic designs, music, videos, software, and more.
After registering as a seller, navigate to your dashboard and click on “Add New Product.” Follow the instructions to upload your product files and enter relevant details such as title, description, and price.
Payments are processed through our platform and transferred to your bank account. Ensure your bank details are correctly entered in your seller profile for smooth transactions.
To withdraw your earnings, go to the “Withdraw” section of your dashboard, enter the amount you wish to withdraw, and confirm the transaction. Your earnings will be transferred to your linked bank account. Make sure your withdrawal amount is above 30
SDP is a revolutionary marketplace tailored for creators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses to showcase and sell their digital products with ease.
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